1. I woke up on time (yes, on a day like today, undoubtedly a blessing)
2. I managed to get to my 8 am class on time
3. before I got to class, I actually had time to grab a cup of coffee.
4. and before that, I managed to eat a decent breakfast (this will be even more important in a moment)
5. I had finished my scholarship application the night before, and was able to head right out to the post office
6. made it to the post office in time to send scholarship materials via priority mail instead of express mail, at a savings of ten dollars
7. because of some very lovely friends, I had my bicycle here in Pasadena, which was a nice alternative to driving my car around town all day wasting gas that I can't afford to buy.
8. had first dental check up in over two years (thanks to my new handy-dandy dental coverage) and have no "problem spots" or cavities
9. I have dental insurance for the first time in years, and because of this, I did not have to pay for my e-xrays or check up.
10. the bike ride on to my next stop, the DMV, had light traffic, and was mostly downhill. Yay for coasting.
11. I made it to the DMV to get a shiny new California drivers license just a few minutes before a ton of people, and ended up in a long line, instead of a LONG LONG horrible long line.
12. Happened to be in line with a lovely lady for about two hours who was very nice, had great stories about her family, and was a pleasant waiting companion.
13. got inside into the air-conditioned shade of the DMV in under an hour and a half (again, you might not think that this is a blessing, but people behind me in line waited longer than that)
14. once I got my number inside the DMV to wait my turn, I was told that I should expect another hour and a half wait until my number was called. It was less than half that time.
15. the creepy guy who sat next to me in the waiting room, who kept talking to me, was called in first
16. the nice looking biker setting behind me gave me the "do you want me to take care of the creepy guy?" nod.
17. I didn't have to tell him yes
19. every DMV employee I dealt with was actually very nice (well, except one, but she only took my picture, so she hardly counts) despite the fact that the place was crazy busy.
20. One of those very nice employees yelled at creepy man when he tried to make a pass.
21. I managed to actually get some reading for class done while I waited in various lines today
22. Although it did not occour to me that I should be spending that waiting time reading the California driver's handbook in case they have some crazy laws I don't know about, I still passed. And yes, there were questions about crazy California laws that I didn't know about.
23. I realized near the end of my DMV experience that I had not eaten since 7 am, and was gratefully only mildly hungry.
24. SOMEHOW I was patient through the entire process.
25. the cute elderly couple I got to watch go through the process of getting ID cards together. They were easily 500 years old, each, and still twitterpated.
26. my bizarre temporary paper license that I can send a copy of to Idaho, and will end my woes with the Idaho State Jury Commissioner.
27. Somehow, I managed to get through the whole DMV process before they closed at 5, thereby avoiding the need for a return trip.
28. Upon returning to where I had left my bike locked up, it was still there, with nothing missing, and was not boiling hot.
29. the target store that was close to the DMV: by now my body was mad at me for not having food or more water (I'd had my water bottle with me, but I'd long since finished it off) so I could go in for more airconditioning, a snack and some water
30. target carries baskets that will attach to the handle bars of your bike (and man, my backpack was at least 20 pounds. seriously.)
31. The security guard at target went out into the parking lot with me and attached the basket to my bike for me since I did not have the necessary tools.
32. In the TEN MILES that I rode today on my bike (well, it's a ton for me. don't judge) there were no scary incidents with any other solid objects, moving, stationary, or otherwise.
33. as I pathetically continued to peddle myself home, way too exhausted, sunburnt and dehydrated, somehow I made it home to a big piture of water, and a nice, long, cold shower.
34. I didn't have to heat up a dinner, I don't think my body would have accepted it.
35. I was able to stay home once I got home. I don't think I could have gone out again.
36. the aloe that I keep in the fridge
37. the light ice cream that was in the freezer.
38. the last of my stock of lactaid that was enough for me to eat that ice cream.
39. I have lovey friends who would care enough to let me tell them about my crazy day in a list of 38 things that turned out to be blessings.
40. I can recognize that God blessed me in at least 39 ways today, and I wonder how many more that I didn't notice.
I think some of the circumstances I encountered today could have given me a really bad mood, and then today would have been the worst. Instead, I kept looking for something lovely, for ways that things went right instead of wrong.
41. God blessed me with the perspective today that enabled me to see a busy, stressful day as an adventure full of blessings. There's no way my human self would have seen it that way if He hadn't of helped me to.
nicely put. looking for the blessings starting: now! thanks for the reminder!
There are two ways to live your life - one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein
Love it! Maybe I should start praying for perspective... Glad you made it home in one piece (and yes, ten miles is a LONG way)!
I'm very glad God blessed you in these ways. It sounds like a lovely---and highly productive day.
Love you girl!
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